Friday, February 8, 2013

Robot at the Super Regionals - 471 Points!

This was our best run of the season.  It was at the  Super Regional competition at Creekland Middle School on January 12, 2013.  

We had some problems in our first two runs, but everything came together and worked right in the last round.  It was the very last robot run of that day.  What an exciting finish!

Learning about Mobility Problems Affecting Seniors

We met with and interviewed Mr. Josh Burton an Assistive Technology Practitioner who works at Barnes Healthcare in Atlanta.  

 Mr. Burton builds fully automated wheel chairs for his clients, like this one:

Our meeting with Ms. Julie Roberts a geriatric Physical Therapist, and expert in understanding and treating mobility problems among Seniors.

Working on Our Prototype

This is one of the first patterns we developed.  We made template out of paper and are getting ready to cut our prototype materials...

It is almost ready... just a few more steps to have a working prototype!

Touring Noble Village

Here's a few photos of our tour of Noble Village in October 2012.

Working with Seniors

Presenting our research results and invention to the seniors at Noble Village, an active senior living community in Suwanee, Georgia (December 2012).

Interviewing residents and conducting field research at Noble Village in (October 2012).

Our meeting with Mr. Derderian, what an amazing guy!!! (September 2012)

Our meeting with Jerry and Kayren, they had great ideas and helped us figure out what problem we wanted to solve... helping seniors get up and out of a chair. (September 2012)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

St. Louis or Bust!

We started planning for our big trip to St. Louis this week for the 2013 FLL World Festival.  Here's the low down: 8 kids, 600 miles, 5 nights, 120 meals, plus all the supplies and preparations needed to be a world class First Lego League team... WOW!  Oh yeah, we'd also like to build a new and improved prototype of our invention and maybe even try to file a patent or two.

As it turns out we don't have enough in our piggy banks to make this happen without you!  Would you consider supporting our team with a sponsorship, donation or publicity that would help us find sponsors?

If so, we'd love to tell you our story and find the best way to get you on board with The Determinators. You can contact us or our coach at

Thank you for your help and support!

Team Photo Shoot (we're goin' on a sponsor hunt)

We put a budget together for our trip to St. Louis and it turns out that we're going to need to raise a lot of money to get everyone there (and back)!  So we decided to do a team photo shoot to have a better team picture to show potential sponsors and donors.   Here's a few of the good ones (one good for every 20 bad ones... ha ha!)

Thank you Georgia FLL!!!

Thank you to FIRST, Georgia Tech CEISMC and all of the volunteers for making the Georgia State Tournament such a great day for the kids of FLL. 

The Determinators are humbled, thrilled and honored to be representing the state of Georgia at the Wold Festival in St. Louis in late April. 

We will do our very best to prepare in the next three months and be the most gracious and most professional team in St. Louis!  

Thank you to the 505 other Georgia teams for a great season!  

See you next year for the 2013 Nature's Fury Challenge.